Beet, Blueberry & Cinnamon Biscuits

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These homemade Beet, Blueberry & Cinnamon Biscuits are perfect for transitioning from purees to table foods!

These homemade Beet, Blueberry & Cinnamon Biscuits are perfect for transitioning from purees to table foods!

We whisk you a Merry Christmas, we whisk you a Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year!

It’s funny what you remember about the holidays. I still have the whisk my Mom gave me filled with kisses while she sang, “We whisk you a Merry Christmas!” At the time I thought it was a little corny, but I can’t tell you how many time I sang this over the last week as we made Christmas dinner.

These homemade Beet, Blueberry & Cinnamon Biscuits are perfect for transitioning from purees to table foods!

While I love Christmas, I’m excited for the New Year. I wanted to start by making some more biscuits for Hanky Pank because that baby loves to eat! When it comes to making finger foods, I’ve enjoyed taking Hanky Pank’s favorite purees and figuring out how to make them into finger foods, like my Banana & Cinnamon Biscuits and Apple Cinnamon Pancakes. While beets may not have been his favorite, he loves blueberries.

I’m pretty happy with these biscuits. Not only does Hanky Pank gobble up the biscuits, but it’s a nice way to give him beets and blueberries without beet and blueberry stains. If baby is transitioning from purees to table foods, considering doubling the beets and blueberries, then use what you need for the biscuits and save the remainder for puree. Although the puree will most definitely end with beet and blueberry stains!

These homemade Beet, Blueberry & Cinnamon Biscuits are perfect for transitioning from purees to table foods!

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