Tag: 4+ Months

Sweet Potato, Parsnip & Carrot Puree

Sweet Potato, Parsnip & Carrot Puree

This Sweet Potato, Parsnip & Carrot Puree combines 3 nutrient-dense root vegetables into an earthy yet sweet puree. 

Pea Baby Food Puree

Pea Baby Food Puree

Quick and easy pea baby food puree with a sweet taste babies love.  Excellent source of vitamin C and a good source of fiber, folate, and iron.

Pear & Peach Puree

Pear & Peach Puree

These last few weeks have been absolutely CRAZY! Wedding in Walla Walla? Check. Trip to my hometown in Eastern Washington? Check. Camping at Lake Roesiger? Check. Wedding on Vashon Island? Check. Visit from my in-laws from Arizona? Check. Who planned all this? Oh right, that 

Making Baby Food

Making Baby Food

I realized rather suddenly I wanted to make own baby food for Hanky Pank. It just wasn’t something I had considered when I was pregnant. It certainly never crossed my mind during the newborn haze. But I had no idea how to make baby food. 

Baby Food Prep | 4+ Months | 5 Recipes

Baby Food Prep | 4+ Months | 5 Recipes

Making baby food for Hanky Pank has become part of my weekend routine. I prefer to set aside time either Saturday or Sunday to make baby food instead of trying to make it here and there during the week. And while I love going to 

Carrot Baby Puree

Carrot Baby Puree

Carrot puree is a staple when introducing solids as it’s easy to digest, sweet, and a great source beta carotenes.

Butternut Squash Baby Puree

Butternut Squash Baby Puree

Butternut squash makes the most satisfying puree, a beautiful orange with a very smooth consistency. Hanky Pank loves the sweet, nutty flavor. Plus, it’s super easy to make, I can just put it in the oven and spend time with my baby! Butternut squash also 

Oatmeal Baby Cereal

Oatmeal Baby Cereal

Part of my morning routine is to wake up early so I can spend time with Hanky Pank before he takes his first nap and I get ready to go to work. I’m pretty plain when it comes to breakfast and usually stick to oatmeal. 

Sweet Potato Baby Puree

Sweet Potato Baby Puree

Sweet potatoes are a staple in our home. They’re  easy to make and delicious. Hanky Pank is always quick to gobble them up. In addition, they make the most satisfying puree. Not only is it very smooth, but it is also a beautiful orange. While sweet 

First Meals with Baby

First Meals with Baby

  Introducing solids was such an exciting time in our little home. It was one of the moments when Hanky Pank went from a newborn to a baby. I found it to be a a little bittersweet. But I’m a sap like that when it comes